Programma e Sessioni CCIII

Programma e Sessioni CCIII

Clicca quiper scaricare il programma completo del Costume Colloquium III: Past Dress – Future Fashion in PDF. Il programma include tutti gli abstract delle presentazioni.

Qui di seguito il programma giornaliero delle sessioni e degli eventi.

Mercoledì 7 Novembre

15:00-18:00 Registrazione alla conferenza presso l’Auditorium al Duomo (Via de’ Cerretani 54r)

15:45-18:00 Vintage Crawl nel centro storico di Firenze

18:00 Welcome Reception presso UB (Via dei Conti, 4r)


Giovedì 8 Novembre


9:00 Welcome:

PAOLO DEL BIANCO (President, Fondazione Romauldo Del Bianco® – Life Beyond Tourism®);

CRISTINA PIACENTI (President, Associazione Amici della Galleria del Costume di Palazzo Pitti);

CRISTINA ACIDINI (Soprintendente Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della Città di Firenze)

9:15 Introduzione: ROBERTA ORSI LANDINI – Florence, Italy (Costume and Textile Historian)

SESSIONE I: Interpretare la moda del passato nel passato


9:30 CHARLOTTE NICKLAS – Brighton, UK (Lecturer, History of Art and Design School of Humanities Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton)

‘There is a Great Deal of Searching into Former Times’: Fashion and The Past in the Mid-19th Century

9:50 ALEXANDRA BOSC – Paris, France (Curator, Galliera, Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris)

Costume Transformations as a Way of Legitimization for
French Bourgeoisie in the Second Part of the 19th Century

10:10 SUSIE RALPH – Bath, UK (Lecturer, Fashion and Textiles, Dept. of Historical and Critical Studies, Bath School of Art and Design, Bath Spa University)

Inspired by the Antique: Margaine-Lacroix and The Robe Tanagréenne

10:30 Break

SESSIONE II: Tornare al futuro: Ispirazioni dal passato per le creazioni di oggi


11:00 BINA SENGAR – Aurangabad Maharashtra, India (Assistant Professor, History Department of History & AIC, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University)

Costumes in ‘Deccani Paintings’: Inspiring Contemporary and Future Fashion

11:20 LICIA TRIOLO – Florence, Italy (Collaborator, Textile Conservation Laboratory, Opificio delle Pietre Dure) with SUSANNA CONTI – Florence, Italy (Head Conservator, Textile Conservation Laboratory, Opificio delle Pietre Dure) and NAOMI KATŌ – Florence, Italy (Costume and Textile Historian)

Conservare ed innovare: Le tecniche storiche, la ricerca e la conservazione di un costume militare giapponese / Conservation and Innovation: Traditional Techniques, Research and Conservation of a Japanese Military Uniform

11:40 JONATHAN FAIERS – Winchester, UK (Reader in Fashion Theory, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton)

Past Perfect?



PASCALE GORGUET BALLESTEROS – Paris, France (Chief Curator, Galliera, Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris)

A Few Thoughts Inspired by the Exhibition “The 18th Century Back in Fashion” Versailles 2011

HOSHINO TSUJI – Kyoto, Japan (Director, Kyokane Co. Ltd.)

Traditional Techniques in Contemporary Fashion: the Kyokane Dress Collection

12:40 Discussione

13:00 Lunch Break


SESSION III: Riscoperta di tecniche del passato


14:30 SUSAN NEILL – Chicago, Illinois, USA (Independent Costume and Textiles Scholar)

The Texture of Ideas: Dynamic Symmetry in Handwoven Textiles by Mary Crovatt Hambidge

14:50 KIMBERLY ALEXANDER – Durham, New Hampshire, USA (Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of New Hampshire) with EMMA HOPE – London, UK (Shoe Designer and Producer)

Brocade and Paste Buckles: The London Work of Thomas Ridout, James Davis and Emma Hope

15:10 ALLA MYZELEV – Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Assistant Professor, School of Fine Art and Music, University of Guelph)

Have you Heard? Knitting is Cool Again: Reinventing the Handmade through Performance

15:30 JOY SPANABEL EMERY – West Kingston, Rhode Island, USA (Curator, Commercial Pattern Archive, Robert L. Carothers Library, University of Rhode Island)

Tissues of Dreams: Documents of Fashion

15:50 HANNAH WROE – Nottingham, UK (Researcher, Lecturer, Dress Historian and Historical Pattern Cutter)

Pattern Cutting Publications 1935-1955: A Pattern Cutters Perspective

16:10 CLAIRE BONAVIA – Tarxien, Malta (Principal Textile Conservator, Lecturer, Conservation Division, Heritage Malta)

Maltese Country Folk Costumes

16:30 DiscussionE

16:45 Presentazione del Museo GucciGRAZIA VENNERI (Historical Archives Manager, Gucci International PR Dept.)

17:30 Visita e ricevimento al Museo Gucci


Venerdì 9 Novembre


SESSION IV: Collezioni del passato: finalità e accessibilità


9:00 MARY M. BROOKS – York, UK (Museum and Textile Conservation Consultant and Lecturer, Culture Heritage, Durham University)

‘My Yellow Dress Seems to Have Attained Celebrity’:
Acquiring and Displaying the Dress and Textile Collection at York Castle Museum, England

9:20 CHRISTINA JOHNSON – Los Angeles, California, USA (Associate Museum Curator, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising)

Doris Langley Moore: Ultimate “Woman in Fashion”

9:40 SARAH POINTON – Sydney, Australia (Assistant Registrar, Powerhouse Museum)

The Australian Dress Register: Accessing the Past through Dress

10:00 Discussione

10:15 Break

SESSION V: Raccolte e documenti della moda come strumenti didattici

10:45 CAROLINE MARIE BELLIOS – Chicago, Illinois, USA (Assistant Director, the Fashion Resource Center, Instructor, Department of Fashion Design at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago) with MICHAL LYNN SHUMATE – Chicago, Illinois, USA (Special Project Coordinator, Fashion Resource Center at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago)

A Study Collection: New Technologies and Functionalities

11:05 MARIE McLOUGHLIN – London, UK (Freelance Designer, Lecturer at the University of Brighton)

Bricolage and Historicism: British Designers as Storytellers

11:25 DALE PEERS – Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Professor and Costume Coordinator, Seneca Fashion Resource Centre, Seneca College)

Making Fashion History Fashion Present

11:45 Discussione


ALESSANDRA AREZZI BOZA – Florence, Italy (Fashion Curator, Communication Manager for Europeana Fashion, Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale)

Europeana Fashion: Disclosing European’s Fashion Heritage Online

STEFANIA RICCI – Florence, Italy (Director, Museo Salvatore Ferragamo)


12:30 Lunch Break


SESSION VI: Conservazione e allestimento di abiti e costumi storici


13:30 JOANNA HASHAGEN – County Durham, UK (Curator of Textiles, The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle)

The New Fashion & Textile Gallery at The Bowes Museum

13:50 JANET WOOD – London, UK (Freelance Consultant in the Conservation, Interpretation and Display of Historic Dress)

‘Old Materials, New Solutions’: the Development of Acrylic Mannequins for the Display of Historic Dress

14:10 CLAUDIA P. IANNUCCILLI – Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Associate Textile and Costume Conservator, Museum of Fine Arts)

Grecian Pageantry Costume at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

14:30 SUZANNE CHEE – Sydney, Australia (Conservator of Textiles, Costume and Dress, Powerhouse Museum)

Speedo® Swimwear – Race against Time

14:50 ALAZNE PORCEL ZIARSOLO – Bilbao, Spain (PhD, University of the Basque Country) with ENARA ARTETXE SANCHEZ – Bilbao, Spain (Fine Art Faculty, in the Conservation and Restoration Department, University of the Basque Country); BEATRIZ SAN SALVADOR AGEO – Bilbao, Spain (Teaches at the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of the Basque Country, Spain); CARLOS VENEGAS GARCÍA – Bilbao, Spain (Teacher, Fine Art Faculty, Restoration Dept., Univ. of the Basque Country – Art History Faculty in Vitoria-Gasteiz)

Conservation of 20th Century Fashion Collections: The Cristobal Balenciaga Museum Collection

15:10 Discussione

15:30 Presentazione della Galleria del Costume di Palazzo PittiCATERINA CHIARELLI (Director)

Omaggio a Anna Piaggi: fra analogie e dissonanze della moda /
A Tribute to Anna Piaggi: Between Similarities and Differences

16:30 Visita alla Galleria del Costume di Palazzo Pitti (fino alle 18:30)


Sabato 10 Novembre


SESSION VII: Vintage, riciclaggio e riadattamento della moda


9:00 THESSY SCHOENHOLZER NICHOLS – Florence, Italy (Textile and Costume Historian)

Recycle, Readapt and Reuse in the Past: To Smarten Up or To Extend Wear?

9:20 ALEXANDRA PALMER – Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Nora E. Vaughan Fashion Costume Senior Curator, Royal Ontario Museum)

Reframing Reconfigured Luxury Fashion

9:40 AGATA ZBOROWSKA – Warsaw, Poland (PhD Candidate, University of Warsaw)

Cultural Recycling: Reinterpretation of History in Modern Fashion

10:00 JEANNIE MARIE GALIOTO – San Diego, California, USA (Assistant Professor, University of San Diego; Teacher of Costume History, The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising; Freelance Costume Designer)

Victorian Fashion as an Underground Subculture: the Tainted and Worldly Beauty of Steampunk

10:20 Discussione

10:30 Break

SESSIONE VIII: Ricostruzioni, riproduzioni di abiti storici storiche


11:00 SARA PICCOLO PACI – Florence, Italy (Independent Scholar of Costume, Fashion and Tailoring Techniques, Art History and Cultural Anthropology)

The 12th Century Inspired Costumes of the Palio di Legnano: 80 Years of Challenging Identities

11:20 BRENDA ROSSEAU – Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (Manager, Costume Design Center, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

Recreating Dress for the Visitable Past

11:40 DEIRDRE MURPHY – London, UK (Curator of Collections, Historic Royal Palaces)

“Arrayed with Gorgeous Splendour”: Clothing for Queen Victoria’s Costume Balls

12:00 TERESA CRISTINA TOLEDO DE PAULA – São Paulo, Brazil (PhD, Textile Conservator, Museu Paulista, Universidade de São Paulo) with RITA MORAIS DE ANDRADE – Goiânia, Brazil (PhD, Dress Historian, Faculty of Visual Arts, Universidade Federal de Goiás)

REPLICAR: a Multidisciplinary Experience in a 1900´s Dress Reproduction
for Contemporary Museum Research and Display

12:20 DINIE VAN DEN HEUVEL – Eindhoven, Holland (Teacher of Fashion History and Techniques, CEO of d’Andt, Belgium)

‘Hidden Treasures’- a Research Project on Garments Used for Smuggling

12:40 Discussione

13:00 Lunch Break


SESSIONE IX: Vestire i protagonisti dello spettacolo: i creatori, le creazioni e le influenze nella moda


14:00 MICHELLE TOLINI FINAMORE – Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Curator of Fashion Arts, Museum of Fine Arts)

Venus in Finery: The Seductress of Silent Cinema

14:20 BONNIE KRUGER – Saint Louis Missouri, USA (Professor of the Practice Costume Design, Performing Arts Dept., Washington University, St. Louis) with HOLLY POE DURBIN, Irvine, California, USA (Associate Professor, Head of Costume Design, University of California, Irvine)

“I Don’t Dress Movie Stars, I Dress Characters”: The Exceptional Career of Costume Designer Ann Roth

14:40 CHARLOTTE OSSICINI – Bologna, Italy (PhD in Theatrical and Cinema Studies, Universita’ di Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum)

Performing Vintage: The Costumes Archive of the Teatro delle Albe

15:00 Discussione

15:15 Presentazione del Museo del Tessuto di Prato, della loro esposizione: “Vintage: L’irresistibile fascino del vissuto” e del Giovanni Masi Vintage Stock HouseDANIELA DEGL’INNOCENTI (Curator, Museo del Tessuto di Prato)

15:30 Presentazione del Museo di Palazzo DavanzatiBRUNELLA TEODORI (Director)

16:30 Visita e Ricevimento al Museo di Palazzo Davanzati


Domenica 11 Novembre

9:00 Incontro Piazza Adua

9:15 Partenza dell’autobus da Firenze

10:00 Visita al Giovanni Masi Vintage Archive

11:30 Arrivo al Museo del Tessuto di Prato; Saluti da FILIPPO GUARINI (Director)

11:45 Visita al  Museo del Tessuto di Prato

Apritivo conclusivo

15:00 Partenza da Prato

Please note
The order of the academic paper presentations and details of the special events are subject to change at the discretion of the conference organizers.


To read about the Speakers click here.

To read the Special Events Program click here.

For Registration and Accommodation details click here.

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